
Laptops guaranteed to work with Ubuntu

Every day I use Ubuntu to accomplish my work. It is a host OS for multiple virtual machines which perform various tasks such as running Outlook, Microsoft Office, and other things.

I've been using a Dell XPS M1530 for the past couple years, so it's time to upgrade. Since guaranteeing that hardware will work with Ubuntu can be hit or miss (not Ubuntu's fault), and seems to be a neverending battle, I decided I would let a company do that for me since I rely on linux for work. This seems to be a good idea to me but time will tell when I actually receive the laptop in a week or so.

Why is it a good idea to get an "Ubuntu certified" laptop you ask? Well the reason is pretty simple: If it is guaranteed to work with Ubuntu, then it will also work with any of the Windows operating systems, since hardware vendors normally support those first. That way, if I decide to dual/triple boot other less powerful operating systems for whatever reason later, I can.

So, if you are an Ubuntu user, go buy an Ubuntu laptop! Support the small companies making them and show your support.

Two companies that sell Ubuntu laptops:



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